✔Not available for purchase by individuals under the age of 18
만 18세 미만 구입불가
🎈Please specify 3 desired flavors in the delivery notes
배송노트에 원하시는 맛 3가지를 꼭 기입 해 주세요!
Additional shipping charges may apply depending on the region🚚
상품의 부피/무게/거주 지역에 따라 배송비가 발생 할 수 있습니다
좋은데이 Fruit 소주
12.5% Alc / 360mL
Good Day Fruit SOJU
Mint Choco / Orange / Guava / Peach
Pomegranate / Lychee / Blueberry / Watermelon

Liquor License No. LIQP770017942
Victoria: Warning - Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence: To supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $19,000), For a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $800). New South Wales: Under the Liquor Act 2007, It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or to obtain alcohol on behalf of, a person under the age of 18 years. Queensland: Under the Liquor Act 1992, it is an offence to supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years. Australian Capital Territory: Under the Liquor Act 2010. A person must not sell or supply liquor to a person under 18 years old on premises where the sale or supply of liquor is authorised or in a public place. Maximum Penalty $5500. South Australia: Under Liquor Licensing Act 1997, Liquor must NOT be supplied to persons under 18. Western Australia: WARNING. Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, it is an offence: to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years on licensed or regulated premises; or for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor on licensed or regulated premises.