10+1 ✔ New Flavour🔥다이어트 시!작! 아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours

61 Reviews

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🚛 Shipping & Pickup

As we prepare your order, items may be out of stock.We sincerely apologize in advance for any inconvenience if this is the case. 

📌When placing an order, please make sure to include the unit number in the address!

📌Pick up Once your order is ready for pick up, we will send you an email. Please collect your order at
Unit 6/2 Holker St. Newington from 9:30am to 5:30pm on weekdays.

 📌General DeliveryWe will send you an email with tracking information once your order has been dispatched.

 📌Local Delivery
You will receive a text message from Optimoroute with a link to the estimated delivery time the day before delivery.
(Local Delivery is delivered between 2pm and 8pm, Tuesday to Friday only.)
Additional cost will be applied when you change the delivery date. We deliver it to the entrance of the building. When the driver arrives, the driver takes a picture of the item and shares it with you.
(Please write down the date you could get local delivery in the order note✔)

*IMPORTANCE NOTICE FOR PRE-ORDERS: If you order a pre-order item and combine it with any other item that is in stock, the rest of your order will be delayed until the pre-order item arrives.

본 상품 이미지는 실제와 다를 수 있습니다.
Image may differ from actual product

닭가슴 닭

chicken breast

Ready to join the diet revolution? Our Chicken Breast is here to get you started! This ready-to-eat snack provides a lean, protein-packed option to help you hit your health goals. So what are you waiting for? Get ready for an amazing transformation today!


**닭가슴살 핑킹현상**

닭가슴살의 붉은 부분은 덜 익혀진 부분이 아니라 핑킹현상으로

닭고기의 근육세포 내에 존재하는 미오글로빈이 뜨거운 열에 의해 붉게 변하게 되는데 이것은 자연스러운 현상입니다.

아침 닭가슴살 제품은 높은 온도에서 쪄내기때문에 덜 익을 수 없습니다.

이점 참조 부탁드려요 ^^
*The reddish portion of chicken breast is not undercooked but a phenomenon known as "pink discoloration." This occurs when myoglobin, a pigment present in the muscle cells of chicken, turns reddish due to high heat. It is a natural occurrence.

Morning chicken breast products cannot be undercooked because they are seared at high temperatures.

Please consider this information.*

아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours

 아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours아침몰 한국 닭가슴살 Chicken Breast 6 flavours